Feeling like crap

I hate that I have no idea what is going on with my body and it is so frustrating. My right ear is ringing and buzzing 24/7 and I feel lightheaded. Sometimes I have these bursts of energy and then they are gone and I am tired again. The last time I felt this tired I had mono and that was 30+ years ago. I keep forgetting things and mixing up words. Am I too young for Alzheimer’s? I need to be able to work without getting vertigo and puking. Yet, I am not even sure that I will be able to. Is it anxiety? Is it low blood pressure? What about hypoglycemia?

Looking back

Ouch! I wrote the above paragraph about 12 weeks ago on one of my less good days. It hurts to re-read it. I couldn’t get a handle on what was causing my issues or even clarify what they were. Thankfully I visited a friend and naturopath for something else and she helped me. She suggested that I might be very low in Magnesium and need some Omega oil capsules. Turns out she was right. Within a few days, there was a difference. No more forgetting things and vocabulary issues.

The other thing I started taking was Sam-E for my anxiety. WOW! That has made such a difference! No more waking up to heart palpitations just because I was thinking about what I had to accomplish during my day.

Not all a bed of roses

I am still dealing with 24/7 tinnitus, bouts of fatigue, and Meniere’s. I also recently had two teeth removed due to infections. While they are healing well, I can no longer chew properly due to where they were. This has brought on a series of uncomfortable changes to my digestive system.

Looking forward

I cannot help but think that all this “stuff” will stabilize at some point. Like the duck in the pond(see post entitled Patience and Meniere’s Syndrome) I just need to be patient.

Also, today it is 16C and incredibly sunny and I have the day off. A beautiful day for a walk and for appreciating the things that are improving.

I can revisit the frustration tomorrow.

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